Applying the Colored Frames in Painter
1. Open the photo file you want the frame to be applied to.
2. Open one of the frame files from the frames sub folder in Painter.
3. Select the Magic Wand tool from the Tools palette and click with it in the white area in the middle of the frame image.
4. Choose Invert from the Select menu.
5. Choose Feather from the Select menu. In the appearing dialog enter 3 pixels and press OK.
6. Copy the frame to the clipboard by pressing Ctl + C (Macintosh: Option key + C)
7. Switch to the photo window and press Ctl + V (Macintosh: Option key + V) to paste the frame as a floater on top of the photo.
8. Select Orientation | Free Transform from the Effects menu.
7. To see the transformation shape, zoom back by pressing Ctl + - (Macintosh: Option key + -) . Drag the floater handles to make the frame fit to the photo.
8. Select Orientation | Commit Transform from the Effects menu.